Spring Term

We have been very busy in Maths throughout the spring termWe started with multiplication and division and looked at lots of different strategies to solve tricky problems. For Mother’s Day, we even used our multiplication and division skills to make cards. We then focussed on statistics and considered how tallying, bar charts and pictograms can all be used to show information. Making human pictograms on the playground was definitely a highlight! Moving on to shape and geometry, we investigated lots of 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. We also learnt all about symmetry and spotted symmetrical flags, robots and objects around the classroom. During our work on fractions, we looked at halves, quarters and thirds, and chopped pizzas into different fractions for Aspirations Week when we became chefs! Finally, we looked at measurement, using millimetres, centimetres and metres. We watched a video of Usain Bolt and timed how long it took us to run 10 metres!

In English, we have continued to enjoy developing our reading skills in our exciting reading corners! We have also explored even more books during our Shared Reading lessons. Some of our favourites have been Dog Diaries, The Day the Crayons Quit and Meet the Twitches. We have found some very interesting words during shared reading which have become our words of the week. Keep checking Twitter! We continue to choose our own reading book on a Tuesday, so we can enjoy a book that we really like the sound of, and our teachers change it again on Fridays. We have also done some brilliant writing during the spring term. Some of our highlights have been our adventure stories which followed Jack and Rose through The Tunnel to some unbelievable places, including outer space, Candy Land and even up Mount Everest!