Spring 2025

Autumn 2024

In History, year 6 have been studying World War II, exploring the big question: ‘What lasting impact did WWII have on Britain?’ We looked at the role of women within WWII, rationing and studied Anne Frank’s diary to get a first-hand account.

In RE, we have been studying the Holocaust and exploring the impact of it on Jewish people. We looked at how Jewish people were persecuted in this time and how their faith was affected by this, and we also thought about the importance of learning about the Holocaust so that it never happens again.

In English, we have been looking at the book ‘Silverfin’ and writing our own horror stories based on the prologue of this story. We had to think carefully about how to build the tension throughout the story and show but not tell our reader what was happening.

In DT, we have been studying bridges and exploring angles and the different shapes used within them. We also studied the different types of bridges and used all of our knowledge to create our own using different materials and techniques.