Improving Attendance

We work extremely hard at Rise Park to improve the attendance and initiate incentives to encourage good attendance.

If each class get 97% attendance or more each week, then they get a turn at ‘Classopoly.’ This is announced in Friday’s celebration assembly and is a game where they get a roll of the dice and can move that many squares along the board. Whatever square they land on depends on the prize that they receive. For example, extra break time, juice and biscuits and iPad time. This is a whole class effort where the children work together to improve their attendance and ensure that they are not missing out on any learning throughout the week. The class with the highest attendance also wins the class trophy for the week, this is a highly coveted prize!

On the last day of  each term we present Bronze, Silver or Gold Medals to those pupils who had 100% attendance.

Many thanks for your continued support with encouraging attendance.

Whole School Attendance

    • 6th September – 96.8%
    • 13th September – 97%
    • 20th September – 96.1%
    • 27th September – 95.1%
    • 4th October – 95.8%
    • 11th October – 95.3%
    • 18th October – 95%
    • 8th November – 96.3%
    • 15th November – 97.6%
    • 22nd November – 96.9%
    • 29th  November – 97.1%
    • 6th December – 93.8%
    • 13th December – 90.3%
    • 10th January – 97.1%
    • 17th January – 96.9%
    • 24th January – 95.9%
    • 31st January – 95%

Class Attendance

  • 6th September – Costa Rica 100%
  • 13th September – Costa Rica 99%
  • 20th September – Peru 99.33%
  • 27th September – Peru 99.33%
  • 4th October – Costa Rica 98.67%
  • 11th October – Costa Rica 98.33%
  • 18th October – Costa Rica 97.5%
  • 8th November – Ecuador 100%
  • 15th November – Mexico 100%
  • 22nd November – Puerto Rico  98.96%
  • 29th  November – Cuba 99.31%
  • 6th December – Mexico 99.03%
  • 13th December – Cuba 98%
  • 10th January – Ecuador 98.89%
  • 17th January – Dominican Republic 98.39%
  • 24th January – Puerto Rico 98.67%
  • 31st January – Costa Rica 98%

Should my child go to school?

Headache, Earache and Stomach Ache?

Children with a headache, earache and stomach ache can go to school—just let staff know that they have felt unwell. Give paracetamol and plenty of fluid to drink. If a headache, earache or stomach ache persists….seek medical advice.

Coughs and Colds?

Children should be given paracetamol, plenty of fluids to drink and can be sent to school.

High Temperature?

Give paracetamol and plenty to drink. Once your child feels better they can come to school. If your child  regularly has a high temperature or their temperature persists for more than 3 days …seek medical attention.

Diarrhoea and Vomiting?

Children are to stay home with vomiting and diarrhoea. If your child suffers from diarrhoea and vomiting  frequently then seek medical advice.


Children can come to school, just let staff know. Give paracetamol and get in touch with your child’s dentist.

Children can also attend school if they have…

  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Cold sores
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Headlice
  • Threadworms
  • Tiredness

If in doubt call the school office who can advise you.         

Holiday During Term Time

We do not authorise term-time absence for holidays and other extended term-time absences: if your child is taken on holiday during term-time, even if attached to a school closure (i.e. an INSET day, bank holiday, school holiday), then you could be issued with a penalty notice. One of the key changes in the Department for Education’s policy is that there will be an increase in the fine and a significant increase for subsequent offences. Please do note that this came into effect from the 19th August 2024.

Further, more detailed guidance will be outlined in the policy Attendance Policy 2024-2025.

Penalty Notice Fines for School Attendance are Changing!

With the introduction of The National Framework for Penalty Notices, the following changes will come into force for Penalty Notice fines issued after 19th August 2024

Per Parent, Per Child

Penalty Notice fines will now be issued to each parent, for each child that was absent.

For example: 3 siblings absent for term time leave, would result in each parent receiving 3 separate fines.

First Offence

The first time a Penalty Notice is issued for Term Time leave of irregular attendance the amount will be:

£160 per parent, per child if paid within 28 days

Reduced to £80 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days

Second Offence

(Within 3 years)

The second time a Penalty Notice is issued for Term Time leave or irregular attendance the amount will be £160 per parent, per child paid within 28 days

Third Offence and Any Further Offences (within 3 years)

The third time an offence is committed for Term Time leave or irregular attendance a Penalty Notice will not be issued, and the case will be presented straight to the Magistrates’ Court.  Magistrates’ fines can be up to £2500 per parent, per child

Cases found guilty in Magistrates’ Court can show on the parents future DBS certificate, due to a ‘failure to safeguard a child’s education’.