Improving Attendance
We work extremely hard at Rise Park to improve the attendance and initiate incentives to encourage good attendance.
If each class get 97% attendance or more each week, then they get a turn at ‘Classopoly.’ This is announced in Friday’s celebration assembly and is a game where they get a roll of the dice and can move that many squares along the board. Whatever square they land on depends on the prize that they receive. For example, extra break time, juice and biscuits and iPad time. This is a whole class effort where the children work together to improve their attendance and ensure that they are not missing out on any learning throughout the week. The class with the highest attendance also wins the class trophy for the week, this is a highly coveted prize!
On the last day of each term we present Bronze, Silver or Gold Medals to those pupils who had 100% attendance.
Many thanks for your continued support with encouraging attendance.