Test and Trace Information
Click on the link below for information regarding ‘test and trace’, including how to order a test kit.
Positive Case in Nursery 09.02.22
Positive Case In Year 6 02.02.22
Positive Case in Reception 28.01.22
Positive Case in Nursery 27.01.22
Positive Case Year 4 – 11.01.22
Positive Case Year 1- 11.01.22
Positive Case Nursery 06.01.22
Confirmed case of Covid Year 6 – 06.12.21
Confirmed case of Covid Year 5 – 06.12.21
Confirmed case of Covid Year 5 05.12.21
Single Case Dominican Republic 02.12.21
Positive Case Costa Rica 16.11.21
Positive Case Dominican Republic 11.11.21
Positive Case In Year 4 05.11.21
Positive Case In Colombia 29.09.21
Positive Case Dominican Republic 27.09.2021
Advice to Self Isolate for 10 Days Year 4 – 19.07.21
Advice To Self Isolate For 10 Days Year 6 – 15.07.21
Advice To Self Isolated For 10 Days Year 1 – 15.07.21
Advice To Self Isolate Year 5 12.07.21
Advice To Self Isolate Year 4 11.03.21
Advice To Self Isolate Reception 20.01.21
Advice for your child to Self – Isolate for 14 days in Year 6
Advice for Child to Self-Isolate for 14 Days in Year 4.pdf
Extra Support for Families
The Winter Grant Scheme is now open to Nottingham City residents in receipt of Council Tax Support, with or without children. With rising food costs, we hope this extra support will ease the strain on some families to help them through these difficult times.
10,000 vouchers are currently available as part of this scheme and selected applicants will be chosen on a first-come-first-serve basis. The scheme ensures successful applicants are issued with a £50 supermarket e-voucher to help with food and essential supplies. If you need support during this difficult time and believe that you quality, please find out more including how to apply using the website link below.
Also you may know other friends and families who might benefit from this support so we would encourage you to pass this information on to anyone who this scheme could support.
Who is not eligible?
Residents that are currently in receipt of the following benefits are NOT eligible for this grant:
(Criteria updated as of 2nd February)
- Means Tested Free School Meals
- Support Grant from HMRC/Local Authority
- Self-Isolation Payment.
Find out more including how to apply at the link below:
Letters communicated to all stake holders can be found under the following headings on the school website:
-News & Events
Back to school travel plan

Symptoms of CoVID 19 – parent/ carer information

Free Schools Meals Information
Follow the link below and fill in the application form to apply for Free School Meals.
Food Bank Information
Bestwood and Bulwell Food Bank: https://bestwoodbulwell.foodbank.org.uk/covid-19-latest-information/
Coronavirus – a fact sheet to share with children
Coronavirus – A Story for Younger Children About Returning to School
Safeguarding and Online Safety
Online Safety
Wellbeing and Support
To all Rise Parkers.
Hi, my name is Mrs Lamb and I started working at Rise Park Primary School in September 2019.
I have worked in year 5 and year 6 since starting at Rise Park as the class teaching assistant. I am also responsible for the nurture provision in school alongside Mrs Watts. This is where my true passion lies and I just love working with children across the whole of school. However, things are a little different to what we are used to at the moment but nurture is really important and we feel passionate that it must continue during these difficult times.
Mrs Watts and I will continue talking to you through our school website and we will upload lots of exciting things for you to do to keep you busy and your mind active. Keep a look out for our little chats and activities and we look forward to you joining in with them.
If you have any worries or concerns about your child’s emotional well-being, please contact us via the school office or email us at admin@risepark.nottingham.sch.uk
Look forward to seeing you join in with our fun activities! Stay safe Rise Parkers!
Hi everyone, I hope you are all well. Things are very difficult at the moment and spending all our time at home can have an impact on how we feel. I’ve felt a little fed up this week so I had a think about what would make me feel better. After watching Mr Jones’ PE sessions, I decided that some physical exercise would be needed. Physical exercise often has a positive impact on how we feel so I gave it a go and it worked! Try the activity ‘exercise your name’ and see if it makes you feel more positive too. Have fun!
Exercise your name
A– Chomp your arms 10 TIMES like an ALLIGATOR
B – Bounce up and down 15
C – CLAP your hands above your head 10 times
D – DANCE around like a Monkey for 2 minutes
E – Pretend you are an ELEPHANT for 20 seconds
F – FLAP your arms like a bird 20 times
G – GALLOP like a horse for a minute
H – HOP like a bunny 20 times
I – 10 Jumping Jacks and high as possible
J – JUMP on one foot for the count of 10 then switch feet and jump 10 more times
K – 10 Side KICKS on each leg
L – Squat down and JUMP up high 10 times
M – Shake your HIPS side to side for the count of 15
N – 10 TOE touches
O – Pretend you are an OCTOPUS and swing your arms around for 5 seconds
P – 15 AIR Punches
Q – Stretch up high to the sky and then touch the floor 10 times
R – Jump Like a FROG 10 times
S – Skip for 20 seconds
T – Go up on your tip toes and back down 10 times
U – 20 Elbow to your Knee touches
V – Put your hands on your hips and twist left to right 10 times
W – WIGGLE all over for 10 seconds
X – MARCH like a soldier for 30 Seconds
Y – Kick back like a DONKEY 10 times on each leg
Z – Jump with your feet together 10 jumps forward
Hello everyone.
I would just like to introduce myself….I am Mrs Watts, and I am the trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)for Rise Park Primary school. This means that I can deliver specific interventions to support children with their wellbeing and emotional needs.
I am also trained in Mental Health First Aid and this helps me in the running of whole school nurture provision. I am kept quite busy in the classroom too as I support the current year 2s in the morning.
I believe that every child should feel happy, safe, and secure. In school children take part in various forms of support from 1-1 and group work to provide specific support for individual children.
Should you need to speak to me for support ,help or guidance I can always be found around the playground before school and at the end of the day and always at the end of the phone.
I can also be contacted on the following email admin@risepark.nottingham.sch.uk.
Hello everyone
I thought you might like to take some time and relax at home. I know some of you have done some meditation with me in school so here is a link to a great website for you to try. Why not take a brain rest with the whole family.
Hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you try it.
Take care
Mrs Watts
Good morning
I hope you are all well. I have found a lovely activity for you to do that does not need a screen to complete for a change. You can either print it off or draw your own. I have this around my house too and have loved sharing the little notes and completing some of the ideas. Just a little piece of happiness to try. I loved drawing the comic strip 🙂
Screen Free Activities UK Big Life Journal
Mrs Watts
Good morning.
After looking online for some great activity ideas for you, I have found a lovely little video for making playdough. If you would like to have a go then click the link and it should take you straight there. It will show you how to make it and everything you need. Enjoy and I would love to see some photos of anything you make. 🙂
Mrs Watts
Hello everyone.
What a wonderful weekend I have had. As some of you know , I really enjoy drawing at home and this weekend I have finally picked my pencil back up and created a picture. I find drawing is a lovely way to relax. So, this got me thinking about how to draw. after some searching on the internet, I found a fantastic how to draw page. THIS IS AMAZING!! The year 2s love this too!. Why not have a go and post some of your finished picture up so I can see them. I hope you love it as much as I do 🙂
Keep drawing !
Hello everyone. I hope you are keeping well and safe.
Today I was peeling my potatoes for dinner when I had a lovely idea that you could do in your gardens or even the local outdoor space (keeping safe of course) so I thought I would share it with you all.
All you need is a Potato peeler and some sticks and a grown up for supervision. You can be as creative as you like.
I would love to see some photos of your result.
Potato peeler whittling
Whittling sticks is a great outdoor activity that can be almost meditative,
and providing a potato peeler rather than a knife makes it much safer.
Your child can use the peeler to whittle the bark off a stick, and then use felt tip pens to decorate it.
Stick a feather to the end, and it becomes a magic wand, or wrap it in strips of white paper and add googly eyes to make a miniature mummy:
Whittling helps hand-eye coordination, and decorating the whittled sticks promotes creativity and imagination.
What about making giant bubble too. I love these. My grandson has hours of fun in the garden blowing bubbles and popping them 💛
Giant bubbles
This hands-on science activity is much more fun than blowing bubbles from a tiny pot.
Combine six cups of water, one cup of washing-up liquid, and half a tablespoon of glycerine (the magic ingredient, available from chemists).
Tie a piece of string of any length into a circle, dip it into the bubble mix and waft it around to make giant bubbles.
Your child can experiment with how much to mix the solution to make the best bubbles,
and see which weather conditions are the best for bubble-blowing.
Hi everyone
I am sure you are all looking forward to half term.
What are you going to do?
You could go on a lovely winter walk with your family, do some baking, or make play dough ?
I thought you might even like to start a scrap book of your week.
You could even give Yoga ago. Follow the link for some great ideas
I would love to see some photos of what you got up too.
Enjoy your week
Mrs Watts
Hello everyone.
I hope you have had a restful and enjoyable half term holiday. I had a lovely week relaxing and going for lots of walks with my dog Loki.
On my walks i found lots of stones that I decided to paint and put in my garden at home. So, I thought you might like to try it too!
So next time you go on a walk with your family you could spot some great rocks and give them a makeover. I have found some ideas below to get you started. you could even decorate them and then put them around your local area for other people to fine and enjoy 😊😊
Enjoy your rock hunt.
Mrs Watts
With coronavirus being a concern for adults as well as children, here is how to talk to your child about COV-ID 19, as well as practising healthy habits all year round.
Samaritans: call 116 123 (24 hours) or visit https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/
Childline : call 0800 1111 (24 hours) or visit https://www.childline.org.uk/
Kooth: Free anonymous online support for young people. https://www.kooth.com/
Barnardo’s Education Community provides access to FREE online trauma informed resources with a focus on loss, grief and bereavement to support children and young people. https://www.educators-barnardos.org.uk/
SEND and Support With Online Learning
Home Support For SEND At Rise Park
Provision – Covid19 – See the following links for online activities and resources
- Virtual Library
- Hungry Little Minds – Simple, fun activities for kids, from newborn to five
- GOV.UK – Help children aged 2 to 4 to learn at home during coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Small Talk is full of ideas, tips and activities to encourage chatting, playing and reading from birth to 5.
- BBC Tiny Happy People A chatty child is a happy child, so Tiny Happy People is here to help you develop your child’s communication skills through simple interaction and play.
- Twinkl is full of ideas and activities for all ages to encourage learning through the early years and Key Stages. Parents can subscribe free for a month!
- Change for Life activities and recipe ideas.
- Phonics Play is currently free for children and families and includes interactive activities, downloads and advice about phonics.
- BBC The Baby Club – Welcome to the Baby Club, where parents, carers and their babies can play, sing and listen to stories together. Get comfy and join in the fun from your sofa!
- BBC Andy’s Safari Adventures – Get ready to join Andy on a series of fun-filled, jaw-dropping and eye-popping adventures getting closer than ever before to the wildlife that inhabits our planet.
- Dough Disco on YouTube
Please follow the link https://www.asklion.co.uk/kb5/nottingham/directory/site.page?id=712cTv1RPJA for the Children’s Centres virtual timetable for lots of things you can do over the summer with your child at home.
Robin Hood Primary School Rattle & Roll Holiday Club
To Parents / Carers,
February Half Term Holiday Clubs by Rattle and Roll
In accordance with current government guidance Rattle and Roll Performance can run their holiday club provision for children of critical workers and vulnerable children ONLY. You do not need to attend Robin Hood to attend the holiday clubs.
Rattle and Roll will follow the Government Guidance in relation to keeping children and staff safe. They have run their clubs throughout the pandemic.
Clubs can be booked via their website www.rattleandrollperformance.com.
Demand for Clubs:Clubs will only run on days where there is enough demandso please book in advance (last minute booking will not be available due to strict bubble ratios/numbers). No payments are due now. When you check out please select either pay by childcare vouchers (if you wish to pay by vouchers) or cash on arrival (if you wish to pay by card) – this means no payment is needed to complete the booking. Payment will be due one week before each club runs (in case anything changes and holiday clubs are not allowed to go ahead).
The clubs include lots of different and varied activities each day including dance, yoga, dodgeball, multi-skills, HIIT, ball games, team and confidence building games, arts, and crafts. They are lots of fun 😊
Children will be split by age in small bubbles.
In the event that the guidance changes and prevents holiday clubs going ahead, Rattle and Roll will contact you directly.
To find out more about the clubs (and how they will follow all the latest Government guidance) or to book please visit www.rattleandrollperformance.com or contact Rattle and Roll directly on enquiries@rattleandrollperformance.com.

Robin Hood Primary School will hosting Rattle & Roll who will run a Holiday Club for 17th-28th August, 8:30-5pm. This is open to all children from Aspire Schools. It is being run as we understand that there are limited childcare options available to some at this time.
The clubs cost £20 and all childcare vouchers are accepted.
Please see attached flyer with more information.
If these two weeks book up quickly we could potentially open up other clubs earlier on in the Summer.
Booking must be made in advance on their website due to the strict child:teacher ratios that Rattle and Roll will be observing as part of their commitment to make holiday clubs safe for everyone.
To see how they will follow all Government guidance please visit www.rattleandrollperformance.com.
Clubs will only run if there is enough demand, and in the event of them not running, Rattle and Roll will contact you directly to let you know.
if you have any questions about the holiday clubs or how they will run please contact Rattle and Roll directly on enquiries@rattleandrollperformance.com or call 07722 014 301.
Many thanks,

Academy Day Nursery
For Parents and pupils looking for childcare or holiday activities, the Academy Day Nursery at Rise Park are open all Summer, offering Child Care, activities and Dance Workshops throughout the holidays. See their web site www.academydaynursery.co.uk for more details. If you are interested please contact them on 0115 979780 Address: 21 Bestwood Park Dr W, Nottingham NG5 5EJ