Proud to Be Theme Week
This half term, Key Stage 2 took part in a theme week called ‘Proud to Be.’ Through this, we learnt about what being proud means and why it is important to be proud of ourselves and celebrate the positives. Each year group studied a different famous person who achieved accomplishments that they could be proud of. They studied the person, what they achieved and the impact that they made on society.
Year 3 studied Captain Sir Tom Moore. They read a book about his life story and plotted the key events chronologically on a time line. They also discussed discrimination and thought about how this might have affected him. In addition, they explored what it means to be proud and how this makes them feel, and shared things that they are proud of by making ‘Personal Proud Posters.’
Year 4 studied Dame Sarah Storey. They researched her life and found out about all of her incredible achievements, including winning 17 gold medals across two sports – swimming and cycling. From this, they discussed how she represents the Paralympic values, and what they have done in their lives to represent them. In addition, they read the poem ‘Human Family’ by Maya Angelou, which celebrates the uniqueness of humans. Then they wrote an extra verse about the uniqueness of people with disabilities.
Year 5 studied Malala Yousafzai. They started off by learning about who Malala is and what she did for gender rights. Then, they discussed what makes them proud and demonstrated this by sharing things they are proud of. In addition, they read a book called Malala’s Magic Pencil, which inspired them to imagine what they would do if they had their own ‘magic pencil.’ Finally, they created a video using ‘Clips’ to showcase all of their learning and shared this with year 2.
Year 6 studied Marcus Rashford. They started off by discussing what being proud is and what and who can make you proud. Then, they explored the different areas of their lives that could make them proud and used a diagram to represent this. Next, they explored the achievements of Marcus Rashford and how his difficult childhood inspired him to use his influence to help others today. They also looked at how and why people trolled him online, and how Marcus and the nation fought back against this. Finally, they created their own murals to celebrate his achievements and included positive messages of encouragement for Marcus so that he can be proud of himself.
At the end of the week, Key Stage 2 shared their learning with Key Stage 1 to allow them to be proud of their work and to encourage Key Stage 1 to be proud of themselves as well.