Autumn 2024
Our history topic this term has been all about Ancient Greece.
We have learnt about some of the important dates, events and people that lived in Ancient Greece, and have made lots of links to other areas of the curriculum.
One of our favourite lessons was learning about the different gods and goddesses that made up the Greek Pantheon.
We made our own Top Trumps cards for our own gods, and used them to play games with our friends. Why not play a game of cards with your child this afternoon, and see which god comes out on Top?
In science lessons we have been learning all about different forces that we can see in the world around us.
This builds on work that the children last studied in Year 3.
We have looked at the work of renowned scientist Isaac Newton, learnt how he discovered gravity, and have studied forces such as air resistance and water resistance too!
Towards the end of the unit, we have been learning about different mechanisms, and how forces help them work. This week, we studied levers, and thought about how they make jobs easier to complete.
In maths this term we have continued to deepen our understanding of lots of different areas of maths.
We have studied place value, continued to practise written methods for addition and subtraction, and have investigated how to use our knowledge of multiplication and times tables to help us tackle other areas of the maths curriculum.
The children have also been working systematically to solve different problems.
Our most recent topic has been all about fractions. The children have been investigating equivalent fractions and how to spot them easily. Play these equivalent fraction games to see how many you can find!
During our English lessons, we have been completing lots of pieces of writing inspired by our topic work on Ancient Greece.
In the first half-term, we studied some of the ancient myths of the legendary Greek hero Odysseus. We used information from these tales to write a character description of the her0, as well as re-telling the story of his battle against the Cyclops in our own words.
This term, we have enjoyed reading the book Who Let The Gods Out? by Maz Evans. We have used our knowledge of the text to write a series of diary entries from the point of view of the main character, and will be creating a WANTED! poster inspired by events in the story.
Have a look through our Big Write books to see what we have written this term!
In art lessons, we have been looking at the work of a present-day artist, Eleni Vernadaki, whose work with pottery and ceramics has been inspired by vases from Ancient Greece.
We studied the work of Eleni and used this to inspire our own designs for Ancient Greek pots. After working on our designs, we had a go at making simple forms using clay.
Last week, we were thrilled to welcome a guest artist who worked with us in class to sculpt, decorate and paint our own Ancient Greek pots. These have been taken away to be fired and should be back in the hands of the children by Christmas.
In the mean time, have a go at decorating your own Greek pot!