Monthly coffee mornings are held on the last Thursday of the month. You can enjoy a free hot and cold breakfast and enjoy some time for yourself! Toddlers are very welcome!
Our family cooking sessions have been extremely popular. Everyone enjoyed cooking homemade family favourites such as pizza and chicken nuggets!
Another one of our very talented parents held some Mummy and Me exercise sessions. The children enjoyed exercising with their parents and even the babies and toddlers were involved!
Spring 2024
Robots and Coding sessions were so much fun! Parents worked together for the first part of the session learning all about coding and how to move their characters, even building lego models and programming them to move in different directions. Children were able to join their parents for the second part of the session. We couldn’t let the parents have all the fun.
Parents and children loved getting involved with our Spring Craft sessions! One of our very talented parents organised all the creative activities for our families to enjoy together!
During our recent Children’s mental health week, we held a yoga/relaxation session for parents and children. It was very relaxing and we enjoyed spending some quiet time together.
We held our annual Mother’s Day Events during March and we had lots of mums, grandmas and female role models join us. We made beautiful keepsakes together and enjoyed some delicious pizza!
Autumn 2023
We started off the year with our Macmillan coffee morning. Your generosity again was outstanding! Donations of cakes and raffle prizes was overwhelming. We managed to raise £411.69 for a very worthwhile charity. Our community spirit is amazing!
Our parent craft hour was very popular. Both children and parents had lots of fun creating and designing together. The sessions were so popular that we have put two more craft sessions on March 11th and March 18th. Please email your interest to
Summer 2023
Autumn 2022
Warm Spaces In Bulwell And Bestwood
Free food and refreshments available. Please follow the link to book a place.
What a busy first term we have had. Lots of exciting fun things to get involved with in school.
We started the year of with our Macmillan coffee morning! Your generosity continues to be overwhelming and I am delighted that we raised so much money for this wonderful cause.
Our Feel Good Families sessions were enjoyed by parents. Especially the session where they received hand massages and enjoyed mixing aromatherapy fragrances to help relaxation!
We had lots of positive feedback from parents. Here are some of the things they had to say!
‘Made me feel like I could be myself and be a better parent’
‘I have met new people, learned new things and gained confidence’
‘The course has enabled me to talk and communicate to likeminded parents, to share ideas and learn valuable strategies to incorporate into family life.
Our monthly cafe is beginning to take off with lots more parents attending. You can enjoy a free hot and cold breakfast, have a chat with your friends or just come and enjoy 5 minutes to yourself! We hold our cafe on the last Thursday of every month.
There are lots of free activities available in the city throughout the year. Keep checking our website for further information. Currently, you have the opportunity to enjoy a free film and refreshments with your family. Just follow the link to book your place.
Big Room: Free Family Films – Nottingham Contemporary
Upcoming parent workshops:
Talking Tough Topics-Wednesday December 7th 2022 at 9am.
Coping with anxiety-Thursday 9th February 2023 at 1pm-3:15pm
Robots and coding-Wednesday 19th April 2023 at 1pm
5 steps to well-being-Thursday 18th May 2023 at 9am
Also keep a look out for our family salsa sessions. More information to follow.
Summer 2022
During the summer term, the weather was kind to us and we were able to enjoy a wonderful Father’s Day event on the school field. Everyone enjoyed the craft activity and the hot dogs went down a treat!!
Spring 2022
During the spring term we started our family cooking sessions where we cooked a meal each week for the family to enjoy at home. This was very popular and we look forward to offering this again in the new academic year.
Our Mother’s Day Tea was extremely popular and lots of female role models joined the children and enjoyed a lovely craft activity and tea!
Autumn 2021
We started off the year with our Macmillan Coffee Morning and raised an amazing amount of money for a great cause. The donations that we received from parents was phenomenal.
Our family box fit sessions were well attended. Family fun was had by all and the children even received their own boxing gloves to take home.
Also during the Autumn term we sold our candy cane messages and brightened up the day of many children and adults and we held two parent courses-managing anxiety and cyber heroes.