Mission Statement and Vision

Our mission statement is “Steps to Success”. Our vision is to develop a thriving community which recognises each child as a unique individual. We share an absolute commitment which:
* provides an equal opportunity for access to a high quality education
* offers a safe, happy and caring and stimulating environment with a positive ethos by all for all
* sets consistent high, realistic expectations to ensure individual children realise their full potential
* recognises and celebrates achievement and success
* values honesty, sensitivity and responsibility in all relationships
* creates a positive and purposeful partnership with parents/carers and develops links with the local community.
Our School Aims
Our school aims have been discussed and agreed by all staff and are displayed around school in child friendly language.
At our school we aim:
- to provide a broad and balanced curriculum with a strong focus on teaching and learning to enable each individual child to achieve his/her full potential
- to combine a variety of successful teaching methods in providing a rich learning environment for all the children in our care
- to raise standards of attainment and achievement and to have high expectations of all by all
- to maintain a culture of self review and school improvement
- to create a positive atmosphere and ethos in school which celebrates achievement and recognises success
- to create an environment in school which is attractive,calm,ordered, stimulating and one that promotes independent learning and equality of opportunity
- to nurture children to be highly motivated, well behaved, fully involved in the life of the school, to be independent and to show initiative and self discipline
- to maintain sound and purposeful procedures for everybody in school where everyone feels valued
- to encourage a positive and purposeful partnership with parents/carers and one that develops links with the local community
- to maintain a performing and effective team who are prepared to try new ideas, be adaptable and to be flexible towards one another.
In addition to our school aims are:
- to be an inclusive school which welcomes all pupils from its community and provides challenging educational experiences for each individual
- to help each individual to strive to reach his/her full academic potential through the provision of a motivating and relevant curriculum which concentrates on providing children with good literacy and numeracy skills whilst ensuring enriching learning experiences.
- to deliver a curriculum that encourages all pupils to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance.
- to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with differing faiths and beliefs.
All members of the school community (staff, pupils,parents/carers,governors) work towards the school’s aims by:
- treating children as individuals and respecting their rights, values and beliefs
- nurturing and promoting good relationships and a sense of belonging to the school community
- encouraging,praising and positively reinforcing good relationships, behaviour and work
- working as a team, supporting one another.
Our school aims are encompassed in our Home/School Agreement with parents/carers and children.