Autumn 2024

In English, we have been reading a variety of books including Supertato, Charlie’s Superhero underpants and the Jolly Postman. We have made our own Supertato and used our growing knowledge of adjectives to describe them.
We used role play to retell the stories and have looked at the features of a letter. We have written letters to Santa and asked him questions using the correct punctuation. We have also explored different poems and wrote our own firework poem using onomatopoeia and exciting adjectives.
As Mathematicians, we have been focussing on addition and subtraction. We have taken our learning outside and solved subtractions by jumping back on a life size number line.
We have used 10s frames, our fingers and number lines to help with our adding and taking away.
In RE, we have been looking at ‘Celebrations and Beliefs’. We have discussed the meaning of Hannukah, Easter and Christmas and have used hot seating skills to really understand the characters in these stories. We have made stars of David and have enjoyed watching animations to deepen our understanding of different celebrations around the world.
As Designers we have been exploring the use of levers, pivots and sliders to make a moving picture. We have investigated a number of pop up books to see how they work. We have experimented by cutting out pictures to create a slider and a lever and we have finally created our own moving picture using these skills.
As Scientists we have been learning about different materials. We have explored the properties of these materials and investigated which material would be best to create a cape for Supertato.
In Geography, we have explored our local area and have been on a walk around Rise Park. In History, we have been investigating our own personal history and have recorded physical changes that occur.