This section of the school website contains information about how our school allocates the Pupil Premium grant.
Rise Park Primary and Nursery School receives a Pupil Premium Grant for each child who is entitled to receive Free School meals. The Pupil Premium Grant is also allocated for any child who has received Free School Meals in the last six years and any Looked After Children.
We have chosen 4 priority areas which we consider to be the main barriers to educational achievement for our pupil premium spending:
- Raising attainment.
- Increasing the level of parental support, understanding or engagement.
- Supporting pupil welfare and wellbeing.
- Reducing inconsistent attendance in school.
Impact is measured through:
- Standards and progress.
- Attendance and punctuality.
- Incidents of behaviour.
- Participation in enrichment activities including: visits, residential, clubs, sport and music lessons.
Please find below a breakdown on money spent or allocated for this academic year.
In order for schools to receive this funding it is essential for parents to take up free school meals if they are entitled. This money makes a significant difference to our budget and thus our staffing levels.