Wellness Week

We had a wonderful week to finish our first half term focusing on wellness. Children and parents in every year had the opportunity to participate in the Wake and Shake breakfasts organised by Mr Jones and the nurture team which proved a great success. Children in every year took part in a yoga session in which they learnt techniques to help them relax and it has been great to see this continue in classes.  To help the children focus on their emotions and positive thinking they had the opportunity every day to complete a happiness journal and a variety of mindful me activities.  Different year groups also completed activities focused on kindness, happiness and wellbeing: year 4 visited a local art gallery and then used art within the classrooms to explore emotions and how it made them feel; reception held a friendship feast for their grown-ups; year 1 made a rainbow of happiness; year 5 created a positivity tree in their classrooms.  Finally children decorated positive rocks which were hidden in the community for others to find and hopefully bring some brightness to people’s day.