School Council
Welcome to Rise Park’s School Council page. Our School Council representatives are elected by their class to speak on their behalf during discussions that have an impact on the whole school. They act as a link, feeding back key information to their peers after meetings. The school council discuss and organise items such as charity events and the school newspaper along with on-going issues brought up by individual class representatives. Each class from Year 1 and Year 6 has an elected School Council Representative.
School Council Job Description
We are very proud to announce the new school council representatives for the academic year 2023/2024
Key stage 1
Key stage 2:
Summer 2024
Our school council have recently organised our special space themed dinner day. We had a fabulous dinner, played pin the Earth on the Solar System and completed space themed word searches.
Spring 2024
We held a school council meeting with Counsellor Cheryl Barnard to discuss issues in the community. We discussed things like having extra bins to enable people to keep Rise Park tidy and extra lighting in some areas in the community. We discussed our concerns about not having a crossing patrol person on the crossing near our school. We raised our concerns that cars often go straight over the crossing without stopping. Counsellor Cheryl Barnard will go back to the council with the issues we raised and will feedback to us in due course.
Autumn 2023
Children in Need 2023
The school council organised a fabulous day for Children in need. We had a non-uniform day, held a pudsey bear colouring competition and had lots of fantastic entries! Our lucky winners were announced in assembly and went home with some lovely prizes.
One of our school council meetings with Mrs Kelly where we discussed the new friendship bench! We have now purchased it and can’t wait for it to be delivered so we can design it with positive quotes!
Summer 2022
Token treat:
The children have had their treat for achieving the most tokens. Purple team enjoyed a creative art afternoon. They could build cardboard models, paint pictures and create painted handprints.
Space themed lunch:
We have had another fun, themed lunchtime. This time, we transformed our lunch time into a space theme. There was an opportunity for the children to design their own astronaut with an alternative background around it. The lucky winners are pictured below.
School Council meeting with our school cook:
We have had a meeting with the cook to plan the themed lunch- space. We discussed together what meals are popular at the moment and which ones the children would like for their themed lunch time. This led to us being able to decide on the meal for our themed Space themed lunch.
Spring 1
Our School Council have had a positive term. They have had a meeting with the school cook to discuss meal options and what meals they are currently enjoying. From this, and because of the most recent pupil voice, we scheduled a ‘healthy me’ themed lunchtime. Children completed and ran challenges that lasted for a minute. For example, competing how many kick ups they can do in a minute, how many cups they can stack and how many bean bags they can aim in a hoop. This turned out to be a brilliant success and we had lots of competitive winners!
During this term, we have been excited to be working towards our House Team award goals. We have introduced tokens to be awarded to children who have been demonstrating ‘Rise Parker’ behaviour. We are thrilled to be working towards a cohesive goal and are excited to see who wins the house team treat. We are looking forward to many more exciting things happening around school that we will be getting involved with.
Children in Need – 18th November 2022
Thank you to everyone who entered our ‘Bright and Bold Pudsey’ colouring competition. Our School Council have worked hard judging the finalised winners. These are: Haven, Year 2 and Victoria, Year 4.
Friday 18th March 2022
On Friday 18th March, we all enjoyed a hilarious day of fundraising for Red Nose Day 2022! The children bought lots of Red Nose muffins and cookies, threw soggy sponges at Mr Jones and enjoyed a brilliant joke competition, judged by the children’s laughometer in Celebrations Assembly. Congratulations to our wonderful winner who picked up a bundle of red treats. We had a brilliant time but most importantly we raised an amazing £601.40 for a great cause! The School Council cannot wait to begin planning the next Rise Park event so keep your eyes peeled!
School Council 20/1/22
We have been very busy coming up with ideas for what to do for Census Day this month. We decided to host a ‘Winter Wonderland’ themed lunchtime and have a special hot chocolate treat for everyone at playtime. The hot chocolate went down brilliantly and raised lots more money to help us buy new things for our school.
Everyone enjoyed their Winter Wonderland hotdog, beans and potatoes, though the favourite was the iced snowflake cookie! So many children designed the cookie topper that we decided to have a winner from each class who all received a free hot chocolate!
In our next meeting we are going to be deciding on what new bins to buy for the playground with some of the money we have raised so keep your eyes peeled for more information!
We have been busy looking through all of the ideas given at the House Team Assembly and are pleased to have selected the most popular after-school club ideas to start next term. We will be planning these for the rest of this half-term and announcing these after Christmas so that you can sign up to join.
We have also started our first project that was suggested at the House Team Assembly to celebrate the things we are proud of. We have decided to do this by creating a Wall of Wonder where everyone in school can come and add the things they want to celebrate and share from inside and outside of school. We can’t wait to celebrate what everyone is proud of! Watch this space for a picture of the Wall of Wonder.
Lastly, we are beginning to plan some fundraising ideas to start work on some of the other projects and improvements that the rest of the school suggested. One of these is to start a healthy snack bar for play times.
House Team Assembly 24.11.21
Today we put our last meeting into action as we hosted house team assemblies. The whole school mixed into their colour house teams and discussed the questions we planned at yesterday’s meeting. Everyone had so many fantastic ideas which we can’t wait to look through and decide what projects to start working on!
Harvest Festival and European Day of Languages- 7th October
The school council have been busy this half term organising the celebration of Harvest Festival and European Day of Languages. During our meetings we discussed how we wanted to mark the occasion and we decided on a lunchtime celebration. In our meetings the children decided on different countries for each class to research and find out about how they celebrate Harvest Festival and compare it to here in the UK. After the countries were decided the children then agreed with the cook what food to serve at lunchtime- German hotdogs, USA burgers and British Jacket potatoes were the final choice!
The children worked hard to remind the rest of the school about the day and encouraged everyone to bring in donations for Harvest Festival if they could to donate to the Bestwood and Bulwell Foodbank. We were blown away by the generosity of donations received, and the lunchtime party with singing and dancing in the playground was a huge hit!
School Council Meeting 23.11.21
At our school council meeting we discussed the questions we want to ask the children at Rise Park. We decided that we want to know what kind of things the children are interested in so we can hopefully set up more interesting clubs. We are also going to ask, what things children would like at school and then we will come up with some fundraising ideas to enable us to purchase new equipment! We will hold our house assembly and discuss these things in our house teams!
Healthcare Zoom Session Wednesday 16th June
The School Council have been busy this afternoon having a question and answer session with a local GP, from Rise Park Surgery. In the session, the GP talked about the role of a doctor identifying and treating illness. We learnt all about some of the equipment used such as stethoscope and thermometer and learnt about how they are used to assess people.
We then talked about the role of doctor in keeping people healthy and preventing people from becoming ill in the first place by helping them lead healthy lifestyles such as being healthy in body and mind, being active, exercising, good diet, brushing teeth, using sun cream, washing hands and getting enough sleep.
We are now going to reflect on our learning to help plan an upcoming theme week in school which will be titled ‘Healthy me…’. Have a look at some of the possible ideas that we are planning to share with the school. Keep a look out on our blog for more details.
6.5.21- Zoom call with Blind Football Team
Today we have kick started our ‘Caring In The Community Project’. We were very lucky to be joined by Andy who voluntary referees a blind football team. He told us all about his involvement with the upcoming Olympics In Beijing- How exciting and what an unmissable opportunity! He told us all about the work that he does with the team and explained how the sports is adapt to meet the needs of the player including hearing the bell inside of the football and even some signs used during the match.
After the Zoom we asked some questions to become more knowledgeable about what benefit voluntary work can have on our own wellbeing. Andy explained that he had experienced hearing difficulties and knew what it was like to feel exclusion. This drove his passion to want to become involved with players that are visually impaired so that they too could share his passion with the sport.
Here are some of the questions that the team asked. One child was curious as to why Andy chose this career path and another asked Andy how long a match lasted?
Coming soon in the Summer Term…
Keep a look out for details about our up and coming Zoom call with Beka who is a local musician to Nottingham. She has toured the world gracing others with her beautiful voice and inspiring others with a way to deal with their emotions. We can not wait to finally get together as a team and learn a new strategy for improving our overall wellbeing!
Now that we are back at school, we can not wait to conduct some more pupil voice to see how changes can be made across school. I wonder what brilliant ideas the children will come up with this time?
Keeping People Company during Lockdown
As part of our intentions this year the School Council wanted to reach out to help support members of our local community. As a result members wrote letters to the local cares homes to cheer them up during lock down as we thought they would appreciate some company. Have a read below of Megan’s letter. There is also a picture of some of the replies that we received that clearly cheered up the residents.
Charity Events
We think it is really important to hear what the children of Rise Park have to say and so always ask for their ideas first! Additionally, the School Council are really trying to take ownership of all of the letters and communications that they send out to parents, staff members and other children. Have a look at the letter that they wrote with all of the important information on.
You will already know that we donated the money raised for our non uniform day to Emmanuel House Homeless charity earlier on in the year. Our School Council representative Isabella in year three helped to lead a Zoom call with this charity to learn more about the work they complete in our community. Here are some quotes from the children about what they enjoyed most about this lesson.
Isabella said ‘I learnt lots about why people lose their homes and how the staff there help them’.
Jude said ‘ I think it is really sad that people not have clean clothes or soaps so it is really great that they have people to help other’.
Rainbow Pizza Party
The School Council would like to make dinner times a little different and as a result are hosting a one off dinner time party. They held discussions with their individual classes about the types of themes they would like to use and the types of foods they would like. Ideas ranged from fake away Chinese or Indian banquets to outdoor picnics which are all to mention only a few. However, after analysing the responses across school there was one clear winner requested by lots of children. Pizza proved very popular and the children were very keen to decorate the hall using Rainbow colours which is a lovely idea that links closely to the current COVID- 19 situation we face.
On Thursday 1st October 2020 Rise Park will be hosting a Rainbow Pizza Party at lunchtime. We would really love it if every child would choose to eat a school dinner on this day so that we can come together and celebrate.
There will also be an exciting opportunity for the children to enter a design a cupcake competition. The winner for each key stage will have their design baked by the cook and will be the dessert option at the party. A letter will soon be given to your child with more details about this event.